Are you getting anxious, feeling the overwhelm, nervous? You must be planning a wedding! Not sure where to start? I do.

Hi. I’m Ron. I’m a wedding planner, DJ, MC, Officiant and more. I Love weddings.

Super Clam Bride because she didn't get overwhelmed planning her wedding

Photo Courtesy of As It Happens Photography

I know how much time, money and effort you are putting into you wedding and everybody wants it to be perfect. If you’ve never done this before, where do you start? Who do you turn to… for real true information? I see lots of posts offering advice, but, they have no skin in your game. Who cares what they paid last year or for next year? How do you decide which vendors, products and services are the best for you? It won’t take long until you’re overwhelmed.

I help couples plan their weddings: No trauma. No drama. No stress. No mess.

In the digital age, we are bombarded with information, making this whole process worse, hence the overwhelm.

I created a simple approach to wedding planning. It’s actually fun. Imagine that. As an engineer, I use a data approach. I call it “All head, no heart.” Can’t let the heart fall in love with something the head can’t afford. Once we figure this out with you, it’s all heart, no head – don’t need head, because it’s all figured out. Imagine knowing the cost of your wedding before you even pick the date! Now, you can fall in love with the wedding you’re going to have and, best of all, you can afford it, stress free.

Did you know that venue selection is Step 9? Date selection is Step 7! Who Knew? This is why I can help you get going in the right direction before dropping large deposits on the venue and start the clock ticking. So stressful, unless you follow my proven system. I can teach you how to plan your own wedding and have fun doing it!

Planning a wedding takes months. We do it in 4 hours. What? Yep! My process is so powerful, data driven and efficient, with all the relationships among the many vendor categories connected with formulae, that we only input a few things and out pops… the cost of your wedding! Ta Da.

Let’s be clear: Planning and hiring are two different things. Too many couples start spending, before they have a full clear plan, and, run out of money before they run out of wedding to dos. We just did a wedding where the client didn’t take our advice and went $50,000 OVER budget. Wow!

So what if the number is too high? Well, then clearly, that’s not “your” wedding because your wedding needs to dial into your financial reality. Otherwise the stress will overwhelm you.

I’m not talking about a cheap wedding. I’m talking full on, max’d out, super fun, mega memorable… just without the costly frills that we can prove don’t add any real value. Some even detract, making them even worse than a total waste of money.

The result is an even better wedding, for thousands less. I’m not appealing to low budget couples. I’m appealing to all couples, simply because, regardless of your financial status or budget, no one wants to waste money, only to find this out at their wedding. Think of what you could have done with that money, if spent in the right place. If only you knew. I’ll tell you.

If you’re feeling the overwhelm, the anxiety, the stress already, let’s have a call. I can help you sift through all the noise, offer advice from a place of vast wedding industry experience and I promise, it will make a huge difference for you. I guarantee it!

Look into my Wedding Planning Strategy Session on our website and listen to what some of our couples said about their experience. Then decide if you would like that kind of industry leading, cutting edge help to create an even better wedding for thousands less.

Everybody wants you to have a perfect wedding. Me, to0!

Call me (647 528 3548) or email me and let’s get you on the right track – straight down the aisle!

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